Monday, November 16, 2009

homework #41

1.A hard problem=A
2.smiles nicely=B
3.A quiet crowd=B
4.Argues often=B
5.Badly responds=A
6.Unfairly treated=B
7.A small passage way=B
8.Their great contribution=A


1.The experienced skipper maneuvered the boat.
2.Mrs.Li prepares a tangy relish.
3.I correspond with my uncle often.
4.Kevin wields the wrench well.
5.The clothes were still wet in the morning.
6.The chefs specialty is cooked vegetables.

My mom and i go to the beach every year. My mom prefers a low voice to relax.She seems enjoyed with this vacation from noise and activity. I,on the other hand ,race quickly into the noisy surf.The water rushes kindly over my overheated head.Mom and i differ in many ways,but we both have a sweet time at the beach.


Guillermo said...


Guillermo said...
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