SUMMARY-I am reading the book"new moon."So far the vampires and wolfs are fighting over bella,if vampire and wearwolfs existed.A boy named jacob is now bellas protector now that edward is not there anymore for her safety. But bella keeps doing dangerous things to get edward to come back because she doesnt want to lose him.Nor Jacob and Edward do not dislike bella so that makes them not comfortable with eachother. When Jacob turned into a wolf that made me think if he would always do that because now bella would be used to having wearwolfs and vampires in her life. That is what happened so far in the book that i am reading.
ANALYZE- I beleive that the author is trying to tell me that if jacob keeps saving her life and edward is in no sight that she might fall in love with jacob and get over edward. But at the same time i think that there is a peice of her that still is in love with edward.That is what i think the author of the book is trying to tell meabout the book i am reading